March, 1999 - Geoffrey

"I am a good ole southern boy, born and raised in Georgia. I was born on St. Patrick's Day, 1986 so I guess that makes me an Irish Schnauzer. My Mom tells me I am a real cool looking dude. I'm sure you must agree with her now that you have seen my picture!.

Happy March, everybody!!!!  Hope you all had a good February this year!  We here at fuzzydog are getting tired of the gray, rainy days out here in California, and are definitely looking forward to Spring!  Weather aside though, it is POM time once again here at fuzzydog, and this month we are pleased to present Geoffrey, a Schnauzer who's happening to have a birthday this very month!!!!  Check out those shades, folks...

Geoffrey is celebrating the big 1-3 (13 years old) this year, so take a moment to get over to his site and wish him a happy birthday!  Yeah, he's already got a bunch of birthday greetings up there, but go ahead and add your own anyway. :-)  The more the merrier!!  Oh, and while you're there, don't forget to stop by Geoffrey's little sister's page...her name's Gretchen, and (according to Geoffrey) she's a real yapper..."yap yap yap," he says...

Oooh, the sun's coming out...fuzzydog people must go play now.  See ya next month!!