June, 1998 - Zeke

He's a Bouvier...what's a Bouvier?

Well, if you're curious, you should definitely check out the Website of our latest Pet of the Month, Zeke Szkrybalo.  Rescued as a malnourished, neglected 57-pound dog by the Skrybalo family in 1993, Zeke has developed into a healthy, happy dog.  It's a story worth reading, and we suggest you do so when you visit Zeke's site!  Here's a preview:

"I don't know if there's a moral to this story, but if there is one, it's probably that the Bouvier who lies on the rug of your living room (which most of ours do exclusively) might be far more capable of achieving things than you realize. Many of us ignore or give up on dogs that, through owner neglect, were hardly given a chance to develop their potential. Others wait forever for that "perfect" working Bouvier to appear as some kind of divine manifestation on the field, requiring damned little patience or effort on the part of the owner/trainer..."

Okay, bye for now!  Say hi to Zeke for us and come back soon!!