June, 1997 - Kodi

We want to be serious for just a little bit here...

For June of 1997, fuzzydog's "Pet of the Month" honors go to Kodi, a Keeshond (pictured here on the right alongside his pal Spanky) who was rescued at the age of nine months after being abandoned by his prior owners. 

His current owner Jim tells the story:

"They (Kodi's prior owners) moved from their house and left him tied in the yard.  Kodi was then 9 months old.  In spite of his age, Kodi had contracted Heartworm by this time. He had to endure 2 months of treatment, which included ingesting Arsenic. Kodi was painfully thin and noticeably wary of what he was in store for next when he joined our family shortly before his 1st birthday.

Almost 3 years later, Kodi has finally realized he doesn't have to run away every time someone comes near him with a mop, broom or leg. He is not going to be hit or kicked like he undoubtedly was in the past. Kodi is not the perfect dog for everyone. He is still wary of strangers, especially men, but it's easy to see that he's starting to realize humans aren't so bad after all."

Unfortunately, Kodi's story isn't unique.  Each year thousands of dogs and cats are abandoned by their owners, many in amazingly irresponsible ways (like tying 'em in the yard!!!).  What's the matter with these people!!  Grrrrr....that makes us mad...

As you can see, Kodi's story has a happy ending, but this month's "Pet of the Month" is dedicated to all those pets who've suffered at the hands of humans (and learned to forgive), and all those humans who've given an abandoned pet a second chance. 

Oh, and don't forget to visit Kodi's Keeshonds and other stuff page for more info. on Keeshonds, Kodi's pal Spanky, and...ummm...other stuff...