February, 2001 - Oliver "P" Chihuahua

I'm the worlds biggest little dog, but as one person put it -
"He Has More Personality Than Dogs Ten Times His Size"
(And Half The Brains Too!)

Wow, talk about sass!! Rarely have we met *any* pet with as much attitude as Oliver "P" Chihuahua, and for that Oliver gets Pet of the Month honors for February, 2001. Want some stats?

Name: Chihuahua, Oliver "P" Chihuahua Double "O" Bark

DOB: Classified

Favorite Food: Chihuahua Crunchers & Kitty Truffles

Pet Peeve: Cats

Ambition: To Be President Of The U.S (My Political Platform - Ban Cats)

Short Term Goal: Learn How To Drive A Car

Long Term Goal: Kick The Barking Habit

Alright, Oliver for President!! Somebody oughta start a write-in campaign, but in the meantime we'd like to encourage all of you to visit Oliver's Dog House On The Internet. There's lots to see, do and laugh at here in Oliver's land, so set aside a few minutes and click yourself over there...a rarin' good time is guaranteed!!

-- fuzzydog