March, 2000 - Ty

"My mom would like to point out that,
even though I sound like a real jerk,
I am actually a very good dog."

Is it Spring yet?!?!  Don't know about you guys, but Winter is driving us here at fuzzydog stir-crazy.  Where's the sunshine, flowers and warm, pleasant days?  Ah...all in due time, we suppose... 

But hey, guess's time for a brand new POM here at fuzzydog, and for this month we're proud to present Ty, a six-year old Rat Terrier with a lot to say!  It's not enough that Ty keeps an updated "Flyball journal" on his site, but he also keeps a hilarious diary for your reading enjoyment.  Don't believe us?  Well, go visit Ty's Website and see for yourself!  In the meantime, here's a preview of what you'll Ty's own words... :-)

"Ty's Diary" Entry--September, 1999: "...As you may have heard, there was a big hurricane on the East Coast. The day of the storm, since everyone was locked in their houses, mom let me take my walk off leash. Well, just like that I caught a squirell. I grabbed him by the tail and started shaking him. In the back of my head I heard a very LOUD, Ty drop it. I did and the squirell went off screaming and mom put me back on the leash. The squirell is fine, he takes off now when he see me..."

Okay, so Ty doesn't know how to spell "squirrel"...he's a dog, give him a break!!!  :P