December, 2000 - Elvis

When Good Pugs Go Bad...

"As cute as I am, even I will admit I do have my faults. Aside from the PO (puppy odor) problem, I have a slight attitude problem. Okay, okay...a huge attitude problem. I don't like being told what to do, what not to chew on, etc. My people are under the impression that they're in charge here. They're sadly mistaken, however it's going to take me awhile to make them see things my way."

And with that, we at fuzzydog are proud to present our POM for December, 2000.  Elvis, a Pug who hails from Song-Tan, South Korea, will amuse and entertain like few others.  Check out Elvis' "Taterpug" Website and you'll know what we mean!!!  Find out why brooms and vacuums are "instruments of evil" (his words, not ours), or just find out how Elvis rules his home.  Either way, we're sure you'll have your share of puggy fun this Holiday Season...

Until next year!

-- fuzzydog