Full Name: Mooreridge Silver Shadoe

Nick Names: Shades, Poochie-face, Paranoia-man, Dog, and of course, Fuzzydog

Breed: Portuguese Water Dog (but hates large bodies of water)

DOB: 4/26/88...was the runt of the litter

Description: greyish-black curly coat with white chest and chin, has a crooked tail. Best feature is his teddy-bear nose!

History: Born in Dublin, California and came to live with the Tancuan family in Walnut Creek for 7 years. Moved to Colorado with mom because mom is attending veterinary school there. Periodically goes back to California during vacations. Spent last Christmas and summer at mom's brother Leonard's house in Santa Rosa. Headed back to the beautiful Bay Area after mom graduates in May of 1998!
Favorite Things To Do: (not in any particular order)

    1) pretending he's a bumper car (especially in the kitchen)
    2) walking backwards
    3) picking spaghetti off his coat after having it flung at him
    4) rolling on the grass while kicking his feet up in the air (also does this on carpet)
    5) sniffing the butts of any living creature
    6) stealing food when no one is looking
    7) staring out of windows in a seemingly hypnotic state
    8) running around in circles while barking
    9) running through (not around) bushes
    10) pestering mom for tummy rubs
    11) lying in puddles on a hot day

Tricks: sit, stay, roll-over, high-five, shake hands, lie-down, come, beg (Smart ain't he!)

-extremely distrustful of tall Caucasian men (go figure!)
-loves cats
-hates small rodents and birds
-yawns and burps very loudly
-tends to stomp his feet when frustrated

Motto: If it's on the floor, it's mine!!

Favorite Saying: The only thing worse than being a pet is being a veterinarian's pet.