"And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight."      


Reviewed June 7, 1998 - Check out the Truman Show web site.

Imagine what it would be like if your whole life was staged.  If everyone you came in contact with--family, friends, co-workers--were actors.  If everywhere you went--home, work, school--was a set.  Imagine if your whole life was constantly watched by thousands of people through thousands of hidden cameras...and nobody ever let you in on the secret.

Well, that's the fate of Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey), whose life from birth has been broadcast for a popular television show created by a producer named Christof (Ed Harris).  Since birth, Truman's every movement has been tracked by the cameras--from his first baby steps, to his first kiss, to all his antics in the bathroom--all of it has gone out LIVE on the air for 29 years, making his life the most popular TV show in the nation.  Cool, eh?

But what happens when Truman wants out?  What happens when Truman decides he wants to see the world, explore new things, and leave the peaceful (but fabricated) world he has known for 29 years?  This is the concept behind The Truman Show, and in the hands of Writer Andrew Niccol and Director Peter Weir, it's a concept that's explored very nicely.  Adeptly balancing humor, cynicism, drama, and mushy sentimentalism, The Truman Show is both funny and thought-provoking, making fun of our media-obsessed society while detailing Truman's quest to find his own destiny in life.  For his part, Carrey turns in a well-rounded performance, allowing us to simultaneously laugh at and feel sorry for his prisoner's life. 

The bottom line: The Truman Show is a solid two hours of entertainment.  The concept is original, the performances are engaging, and each scene (and set) is very rich in detail.  Definitely worth seeing...

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!

guzmica@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "if I would have to describe this film in just one word i'd say it's impossible because it's one of the best movies i've ever seen." (10/31/00)

David Rogers gives this movie  stars: "This movie is a drama. Nothing else. It tried to be a comedy, but it's attempts at jokes were soooooooo bad that I almost puked. If you want a comedy, rent Liar Liar!" (5/3/00)

jessfrogy@prodigy.net gives this movie  stars: "I thought this movie was great i didnt think i would like it but i did the idea was really good for this story and its really cool how he breaks away from it all. Even though its not that funny it still keeps u interested" (8/19/99)

enranca@kabelfoon.nl gives this movie  stars: "Great movie! I watched it 5 times so far." (6/17/99)

grg@stargate.com gives this movie  stars: "One of my all-time favorite movies. The Academy made the biggest mistake ever by not nominating Jim Carrey for his great performance and for omitting the movie from the Best Picture list." (3/9/99)

wbryant gives this movie  stars: "It was awesome! It's one of my favorites. It was touching" (2/20/99)

jombane@bbs2.rmrc.net gives this movie  stars: "The Greatest movie of all time. If you don't like it there must be something wrong with you." (1/19/99)

ken@vingcard.no gives this movie  star: "Very, very bad thing!!" (12/2/98)

aisyaz@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "it`s the best movie i had watched" (11/27/98)

TrthSkr1@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "I have seen many movies that I just love, and The Truman Show certainly tops the list of favorites. What a compelling story! What a sad situation. Throughout the entire film (all 7 times I saw it), I was captivated by Jim's performance, and I sympathized with Truman Burbank in a real way. How disturbing to be a prisoner in your own world! I know the feeling of just wanting to get away, go see the world, do something adventurous and outrageous, but for one reason or another feeling hopelessly trapped. I couldn't help but cheer along with the movie's TV audience when Truman discovered the truth about his world. Hoping that he would have the courage to find his way out! Also, I have to congratulate Jim Carrey on a fine performance! Wow! I look forward to seeing him in more dramatic roles. To me, he is a wonderful combination of goof-off and sweetheart. I am very proud of his effort and success! Bravo, Jim! You did it!" (10/25/98)

silveradochevy@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "I think that The Truman Show was a well written movie and that Jim Carey did an awesome job on this movie." (10/23/98)

Oliver.Salvana@tmca.com.au gives this movie  stars: "Thought provoking and entertaining. A film that exercises the mind with concepts and ideas rather than dulling your senses with violence and profanity." (10/1/98)

vermonte@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Great - you archive this film before it even opens in the UK ! After months of waiting I finally got to see this great film thanks to the many previews they are doing - still another week before general release. the movie was much more understated than I expected , truman on the whole seems to take the revelations fairly calmly considering. Would have liked to have seen more of his life as the TV show rather than going straight into his fight to escape . But overall the film lived up to the hype and expectations from the trailer. Hopefully Jim can handle more work like this but still keep the comic side going - Great site - its good to read reviews from actual movie goers in the US even if we have to wait months for the movie Regards - Steve" (10/1/98)

stacymetz@netscape.com gives this movie  star: "I thought this movie was the worst. I didn't quite understand it. It was sad." (9/5/98)

Dave gives this movie  stars: "A very tight but kind of slim movie. Carrey's performance was subtle and honest. Beautifully directed and on the verge of genius but didn't quite make it." (8/1/98)

The Girl gives this movie  stars: "Didn't hate it, didn't love it. I've never liked Jim Carey but this is his best movie so far. If you haven't seen it yet, wait for the video. " (7/7/98)

Kraut@sympatico.ca gives this movie  stars: "Though the first couple minutes were totally confusing, (since i had no idea what the movie was about prior to seeing it) the rest just kept on getting better. Jim Carry shows that he can be more then just a goofy character. Simply a must movie for people who want more then just violence in a movie." (7/5/98)

JD_76@yahoo.com gives this movie  star: "the only reason it got 1 star is because there was no option for negatives BORING." (6/27/98)

Brittianey Cooper gives this movie  star: "The movie sucked so bad Jim could of did a better movie." (6/19/98)

psu14354@odin.cc.pdx.edu gives this movie  star: "This movie sucked. Vaugh Ray is cool." (6/9/98)

nickblaskowski@hotmail.com gives this movie  stars: "Good morning,and incase I don't see you,good afternoon,good evening and goodnight!This movie made you stop and think"Is life a TV show?".I liked the creative idea of this movie.I liked how Jim Carrey decided to take on more serious roles and I think Jim is a better actor at serious roles then funny roles.Of course there was a few funny things in this movie.But still,Jim can't make a movie without making people laugh!" (6/7/98)

Edwin Nichols gives this movie . (6/7/98)