"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."      

STAR WARS - Special Edition (PG) *****

Reviewed February 10, 1997 - Check out the Star Wars web site.

I don't suppose there's much I have to say about the "new and improved" version of Star Wars. An additional four minutes of running time, THX sound, some new effects, and the magic's still there.  Don't miss the chance to see this one at the theatre; it's just not the same on video, and even twenty years later, it's definitely one to see!!!!

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing, folks!

Ella Martin gives this movie ***** stars: "It is the best movie I ever seen. Amidala is cool, Obi-wan is a great Jedi and the young Anakin is very lovely. In this movie, you understand much about the force and the Jedi Knights." (10/31/00)

rfksecond2@cs.com gives this movie ** stars: "Soooo boring, Soooooo overrated. I went to see it at the show, and was asking how much longer the movie was gonna last because I would've went to sleep but I wasn't tired. Totally blown away by the next 2 films in the trilogy." (6/19/00)

Neelah gives this movie ***** stars: "Star Wars rules let no one tell you differently!!!!!" (4/12/00)

PetBras@aol.com gives this movie ***** stars: "Well since the rating of the stars went up to only five, I had to lie. I would rate it about a 6 or 7. It is just a all around a GREAT movie!! With the revolutionary special effects, and the 4 or 5 plots, it makes it GREAT. It will be a movie that will be around for a very long time. It has been proven already for being around big for 22 years already." (6/4/99)

Mandy Parker gives this movie **** stars: "these films are an exelent remake of the old starwars films and money well spent!" (5/20/99)

Jarle Nilsen gives this movie ***** stars: "Fantastic- the best movies ever, seen them about 20 times!!!!" (3/15/99)

aegbanks@collins.rockwell.com gives this movie ***** stars: "the middle of a saga" (3/12/99)

nporsche@hotmail.com gives this movie ***** stars: "I am very please with the special effects added to the movie. Despite what everybody else says about Star Wars, it is still the best sci-fi action flick out there (unless of course episode 1 beats it). Star Wars is only one of the few movies that you can watch over and over. I'm a Star Trek Hater" (1/7/99)

bojan.oreskovic@mailcity.com gives this movie ***** stars: "Can`t wait for the new one!" (12/26/98)

Luke Smale gives this movie ***** stars: "Simply put the greatest story ever told through the cinema. All three film are just way too cool." (12/11/98)

lalo lomas gives this movie ***** stars: "lalalalalalala" (12/8/98)

sara2210@.df1.telmex.net.mx gives this movie * star. (10/31/98)

J.R. gives this movie * star. (7/10/98)

David gives this movie ***** stars: "Just as the words "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..." lit up on the screen and then the famous John Williams' music, I was hooked. Not the best of the Trilogy but still, it set the other two up with style. We are introduced to the villainous Vader, the scum Solo, the innocent but strong Leia, the heroic Luke and the one and only Obi-Wan, OH YES,and our two favourite droids. Every scene was great and the music was the best in this one. It's full of action, villainy and many scums from the great Mos Eisley Cantina. We're introduced to the Force by a Jedi, Obi-Wan Kinobe, who leads Luke on this marvellous journey. We love ,and hate the characters, we grow in love with George Lucas' idea, and when this is over, you're just dying for more!!" (2/7/98)

luigi6488@aol.com gives the entire Star Wars trilogy ***** stars: "There isn't a better move in the world. How could something so real and cool come back with new scenes. THE STAR WARS TRILOGY (REGULAR AND SPECIAL) ARE THE BEST MOVIES TO HIT THE THEATER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (7/31/97)

Cindy Hedden gives this movie ***** stars: "I feel that it was a wonderful come back for the series. The new special effects that were added were excellent. My two children enjoyed the movies, and I enjoyed seeing their faces light up through the entire scenes. It was not overplayed and thats what made it great. Peace..." (3/28/97)