"Jackie...you're a nice guy!"      


Reviewed March 21, 1998 - Check out the Mr. Nice Guy website.

Those of you who've seen any of Jackie Chan's recent American releases (Rumble in the Bronx, First Strike, Operation Condor) know that great acting and a coherent plot aren't exactly high on these films' priority lists.  Instead, the focus is on Chan's comedic style and acrobatic fighting skills, that charismatic combination which allows Chan to kick, climb, and spin while maintaining a wink and a smile. 

In Mr. Nice Guy, Chan plays a popular Australian TV chef who accidentally gets caught up in a drug deal gone bad.  As he is chased, rattled and rolled by one group after another, Chan never quite knows what's going on.  This often keeps the action ridiculously funny in Mr. Nice Guy, a fact that Jackie Chan fans will surely appreciate.  Unfortunately, Mr. Nice Guy also has its share of problems, including a thinner than usual plot, some truly inane dialog sequences, and some horrible overdubbing work.  Okay, okay, I'll admit that these are not the qualities we should expect from a Jackie Chan film, but bad is bad, and sometimes there's no getting around it. 

What we have then is an odd mix of wonderfully entertaining Chan and poorly done film production (even for Jackie Chan film standards).  For those who only care about the former, Mr. Nice Guy is definitely a film to see.  Others, however, may be better served by some of Chan's earlier releases, which have lower budgets but somehow seem more fun.  Needless to say, Mr. Nice Guy isn't one of Jackie Chan's best films, but there's always hope for next time.  Given Jackie's natural ease with the camera and his truly amazing acrobatic skills, you can he sure that he will be back.

Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!

Mr. T. asks: "Can anybodx tell me when this movie will start in germany?" (6/25/98)

Alli gives this movie  stars: "I like the way chan does his own stunts, A real good movie starring him was Operation Condor" (4/27/98)

phansen@aol.com gives this movie  stars: "I liked this movie but I think it could have a little less fighting and karate stuff." (4/11/98)