"Pray you didn't forget your bug spray."
A film crew makes a trip to the Amazon in search of a long lost native tribe. On their journey they run into a stranded boat and a man named Paul Sarone (Jon Voight), who makes a living out of catching snakes. Sarone is obsessed with capturing a legendary 40-foot, man-eating Anaconda. "Think how much money that would be worth," he proposes. "Snakes don't eat people," director Terry Flores (Jennifer Lopez) exclaims skeptically. "Oh yeah?" Sarone replies, tracing a badly healed scar on his cheek.
Hey, does anyone NOT know where all this is going? The basics of Anaconda are quite simple. There's a group of seven people in a small boat floating down the Amazon river. Six of these people are from a film crew, and one of them is searching for a snake. It so happens that the one person searching for the snake is an obsessed psychopath. It also so happens that the snake he is looking for really does exist, and it is very, very, very hungry.
In Anaconda, you will not be surprised that a bunch of people get eaten alive. You will furthermore not be surprised at who gets eaten, and at what points in the movie they meet their doom. Anaconda is campy, it's ridiculous, it's a film who's special effects are so obvious that they constantly remind you that what you're seeing isn't real. It's also, in its own way, a lot of fun. Jon Voight's performance as the demented Sarone is a pleasure to watch, and the rest of the cast (Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Eric Stoltz, Kari Wuhrer, Owen Wilson, and Jonathan Hyde) are entertaining enough to keep you in your seat.
Anaconda will never become an all-time movie classic, but it's a fairly entertaining ride and (at a relatively short 1 1/2 hour running time) not too time-consuming for those with busy schedules.
Responses from cyberspace--thanks for writing!!
gives this movie stars: "Even
though I knew it was all fake, it was cool to think 'Could there really
be a snake this big out there?' I loved it, the actors were all good and
the action was the best." (6/22/01)
Barry gives this movie stars: "Fun
action film" (12/12/00)
gives this movie stars: "i
think this film kicked ass it has great acting and great acters.I realy
like icecube and anacondas.If you dont like it you must be insane." (6/24/00)
gives this movie stars: "It
seems like all who rated this movie were either one way or another. I guess
I'm no exception. But what I've noticed is that you have to see this movie
at the show or it's boring. At was at the edge of my seat the whole time
while at the show, but got bored after I rented it. The suspense doesn't
pull you in inside your living room." (6/17/00)
gives this movie stars: "I
like the movie it was very scary and i want to see it again." (6/3/00)
gives this movie stars: "I
loved the movie it was really yuck when Anaconda ate people. I loved the
movie so much I saw it 6 times non stop and did a big as study on it for
my school work. My fav part was when they were down at that gate trying
to open it and the guy is in the water and the other guy pulls him out
just before Anaconda comes. What is your fav part? Anyway thankyou for
taking the time to read this letter. Yours faithfully Miss Tessa Polatsek-age
12 =)" (5/20/00)
gives this movie stars: "Too
bad you can't rate lower than 1 star, I would. I won't even go into why
this movie was just bad but I will say this. Watch the movie again (if
you can stand to) and fast forward to the scene with the waterfall. Now
isn't that interesting? I've never seen a waterfall that runs backwards!
Yes, I caught that the first time I watched it. Before I even got to that
part I already thought it was bad but once I saw the reverse waterfall
that confirmed every notion I had about this film. Blech!" (5/8/00)
David Rogers gives this movie stars: "Hello!!!!!!!
Anacondas are not that big! And they don't attack adult humans! In reality
they are afraid of humans, and that mean they're weeners!" (5/6/00)
gives this movie stars: "Hi,I
like it I am a snake fan it was nice and scarey cool anaconda. I like the
part were the snake would sneak up on the people and then kill them by
constricting them. I would of gave it 100 stars but that wasnt on the star
list. Good by." (3/9/00)
David Harrell gives this movie stars: "i
think this movie was funny and fantastic. it was cool to see the anaconda
eat everything in it's path. this movie got me interested in snakes[ but
my most favorite is the anaconda snake ]. i've even gotten a no-fear hat
that has two eyes on it and a mouth and i call it the anaconda hat. well,
anaconda's have no-fear of anything. i even beg my dad alot to let me have
an anaconda. i wish i ccould give a zillion star rating on the movie but,
the computer won't let me." (8/21/99)
gives this movie stars: "This
movie was alright it made u jump every now and then and had a half decent
plot in a cheap horror film kinda way,but why couldent ice cube die. plus
the closer u looked at the snake the faker it was" (8/19/99)
gives this movie star: "Stupid.
Absolute garbage." (6/24/99)
gives this movie stars: "I
LOVE JOHN VOIGHT, I don't know why I went to this movie cause IT LOOKED
BAD! But when I was there I had a great time laughing at Paul Sorrone!
I think John Voights accent in this movie is the sh*t!" (1/23/99)
gives this movie stars: "The
movie was fun, I think people who gave it a bad review are in denial. I
did not go in expecting oscar performances, it's a movie about a big snake
what did you expect." (11/10/98)
gives this movie stars: "I
liked the movie. I saw it 8 times and as a result I kind of fell in lust
for Jon Voight... yes, I did. Really." (11/6/98)
gives this movie stars.
Corey gives this movie stars: "I
did not see the movie." (10/9/98) (Corey
must be psychic or something...**smile** -- fuzzydog)
gives this movie stars: "It´s
a good movie with many special effects, and story it self is very good
and funny also...but it´s not a perfect movie. So 4 stars only......." (9/20/98)
gives this movie stars: "I
love this film. It's scary and funny. I love the sneaking up to the person
and the anaconda eat thems. The movie was fanastic. The movie was awesome.
It's the action packed thriller of the year." (9/19/98)
gives this movie star: "One
word. BORING!!! I rented the video and ended up fast forwarding to the
good parts. There were none." (9/3/98)
Dominique gives this movie stars: "I
liked the film is was exciting and awesome, whoever says its bad then your
screwed up pal." (7/16/98)
Josh gives this movie stars: "I
thought the movie wa an exciting and horrifying film, it was excellent.
I think they did a great job on it. The only thing wrong was that the real
anacondas are so heavy that they could never move like they did in the
movie, but I liked it anyway." (7/15/98)
gives this movie stars: "Special
effects obvious, but I thought it was a good, old-fashioned scary movie.
Kept me on edge of my seat, wondering what was around the next bend. (Bet
YOU didn't think it was a wild boar chasing that couple!) A good performance
by Jon Voight, who has not been around much lately. He's as sinister as
Anthony Hopkins and DeNiro." (7/9/98)
Danny D'mello gives this movie stars:
"This movie was very good to me as i am asnake lover. I like to find
out more about snakes. Since i have heard that Anaconda is the largest
and heaviest of all other snakes i was wanting to see this movie. The movie
reveals anaconda after a long time, that's what i dont like. The starting
of the movie seems that everything is all right. I would like to give my
opinion as showing the snake from the start. If you would have shown some
snake fight in the movie it would have really gone superhit." (7/7/98)
gives this movie star: "First
of all, why is No Stars unavailable in this system? This film, a fakish,
badly executed "horror" will make even the most determined of
snake fans feeling that something was missing. This movie just proves that,
just because almost everybody dies, it shouldn't be considered a thriller.
And what was with Voight's corpse winking after being regurgitated by the
snake? And Hyde's death? Enough already." (6/23/98)
David gives this movie star: "Um..Hello
? This movie s...s...s..s..s..sucked !!!!!!! No action, no fun, no big
story, no good acting. This movie is appauling. I actually would have liked
to give it NO STARS but it isn't available !" (1/23/98)
cus55@yahoo.com stars: "You
may be surprised at such a low rating compared to the other reviewers,
but I must say that Anaconda was a lot of fun. The effects were
good, some good scares, and a nastily creepy Amazon setting. But when you
think about this film compared to some of the other great films of 1997
which are worth 3.5 stars, you can't compare Anaconda to those. 2 out of
2 for fun, 0 out of 3 for quality." (1/12/98)
gives this movie stars: "The
movie was good! action and all but of all thes critics no one gives credit
to the actor Kari Salin (Wuhrer) as Denise Kalber it dosent even mintion
her dramatic death seen so pictures of the fight or anything I was dissapointed
in that." (10/29/97)
jedi.ou.edu gives this
movie stars: "I
love the movie! You need more pictures of the anacondas on the internet."
gives this film
stars: "All I've got to say is the movie sucked after the tragic
hero Ownen Wilson got devoured by the snake. That ticked me off so much
that I just about left the theater." (6/18/97)