About the page...

First of all, welcome to Fuzzy Films!  Those of you who knew us from our Movie Page days will notice a few changes...mostly with the addition of frames to the site, and of course the move to fuzzydog.com.  Hope you like the changes and enjoy the site...in the meantime, here's all that stuff I wrote about the page awhile back...it all still applies (I think)...

About the movies...
How do I decide which movies are reviewed and which aren't?  Well, I've got a two part answer:
About the ratings...
Five stars, four stars, one star, what does it all mean?  The star-based ratings you see only give a general picture of my opinions on a film.  Different films are made for different reasons--some are created to make us think, some to make us laugh, and some simply to scare us out of our seat. A good film, in my opinion, is one that does what it sets out to do cinematically. So, don't expect me to criticize Weekend at Bernie's for not having a cohesive storyline--that's not the point of the movie. That'd be like criticizing Schindler's List for not having any good musical numbers.  
About the Links...
Many of the films on the "Index..." have links to home pages or web sites dedicated to those films. Some of these are studio web sites, but many others are personal home pages created by fans who just can't get enough of a particular movie.  Frankly I think the personal pages are a lot more fun, but unfortunately they're also harder to keep track of.  Pages are moved, closed, or redone with no warning...so, if you see a bad or broken link within these pages, please let me know so I can remove or correct it.  Also, if you know of any good movie site links that I could use, please send its address my way!  I could use the help!
About your input...
It's encouraged!  Please don't hesitate to say what you think...as you'll see from some of the review pages (Romeo and Juliet and Dear God, for instance), second opinions just make things more interesting.  The green tickets (see below) link to a form you can use to send us your thoughts, and they can be found at the end of each review.  Input forms are also available at the bottom of the All Time Favorites, Quotables, and Misc. Mail pages.  As you can see, responses are posted onto the page; if you have something to say and don't want it posted, just let me know and it won't be...
Are you done already?
Just about.  First of all, if you've actually read this page all the way down to here, I'm very impressed.  I don't think I could've done that.  Second, as long as you've got this much tolerance, come visit our main home page.  Ooops...actually I changed my mind...DON'T visit our main home page.  Just leave this link alone!  Don't go there!!!!

(Is the reverse psychology working?)

Happy viewing!!!!